Thursday, March 13, 2008


Gabriella Cilmi. Sixteen years old and sings with the raw and gutsy voice of a woman who has seen her share of bleary-eyed mornings (ie. Amy Winehouse). Great stuff. Lets hope she doesn't get snared into singing boring pop (her Myspace).

I Am Legend. Even if you have no expectations, and come to it wanting only action and special effects, you'll be disappointed. It's boring. The action is repetitive. They skimped on the special effects and it shows.

Kevin Rudd. Cowardly backdown on carers payments. Very disappointing that he caved in. Finally, the halo falls off and reveals his weakness. Sad really.

Ties. Too expensive, but a nice one is nice enough that you forget how completely useless a clothing accessory it is, and how similar it is to a noose.

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