Sunday, August 5, 2007

Bermotor Dengan Orang Tuaku

Well I never thought I'd say it but my parents make pretty good bikies. Roll on over 50 yr olds, roll on! You can do it too!

This could be a mural on the wall of a gothic church... ie. this is what happens to bad people when they die. In fact, this is what happens to hundreds of sulfur miners at Kawah Ijen in Eastern Java. They descend into the poisonous fumes of the crater, hack up to 100 kilos of sulfur rock from right in front of steaming thermal vents, and then lug them back up to the perimeter in baskets over a shoulder.

This is hell on earth if ever I've seen it, and they get paid about 4-5 dollars each time. If anyone wants to help, I think I will try to set up an organised donation system for tourists to the crater.

This is cool huh? These massive bursts of ash materialise in seconds from Gunung Semeru, the highest and one of the most active volcanoes in Java. Anyone want to climb it? I'm going to take a shot in November...

This is Bromo, just before sunrise. One of the most spectacular sights in the world. The moon, from the TOP of Mount Bromo!

1 comment:

cassidy said...

eli wow, looks like you've been to the moon. Stunning x